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About Yutiliti

One of the most trusted fibre installation companies in Southern Africa.


Fast fibre Internet –
your essential household utility

Yutiliti is a division of Lightstruck. Lightstruck’s vision is to develop, own and operate high-end, last-mile fibre for the long-term economic and social benefit of the communities in which it is deployed.

We plan on deploying fibre across southern Africa, wherever the local communities have signalled an interest in fibre.

The need for speed

When you sign up for high-speed fibre Internet, you want fast, fast!

So what’s the usual holdup? The problem out there in the market is simple: too many parties involved in too many procedures.

Yutiliti eliminates the hurdles by streamlining the process, from instant sign-up to hassle-free installation.

Why we’re so quick


We carefully select the contractors responsible for the laying of our fibre cables; we choose them for their expertise, speed and performance.


Once connected, you’ll have the option to move over to your preferred ISP if you wish – at no extra cost.


This way we assure clients of on-time results and the minimum of inconvenience to residents and businesses in our live areas during roll-out and installation.